20°–22° Plastic Strip, Full Round Head, Ring-Shank Nail
- Collated nails provide an easy way to reduce driving force and increase installation speed. The 20°– 22° plastic-strip, full-round-head, ring-shank nail features a checker pattern on the head that blends with wood grain, reduces sunlight glare and accepts surface finishes. This nail is compatible with many major manufacturers’ pneumatic tools.
- Annular ring shank increases withdrawal resistance to provide a secure attachment
- Type 316 stainless steel option for seaside applications and superior corrosion resistance
- The Job Boxes are Excellent for Small Jobs Requiring Stainless Steel Collated Nails
- Compatable Nail Guns:
https://www.strongtie.com/products/fastening-systems/technical-notes/fastener-tool-compatibility-matrix |